Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jill Starr's Personal Experiences in Eastern European, Middle East and Western European Diplomatic Styles

Jill Starr's Personal Experiences in Eastern European, Middle East and Western European Diplomatic Styles

Jill Starr's Personal Experiences in Eastern European, Middle East and Western European Diplomatic Styles

I find that Eastern European diplomacy is many times more effectively productive than western American styled and western European diplomacy.

What I mean is, even in daily life I prefer either a personal friend and/or diplomat call me up and ask me something in a curt direct manner, such as:

“Jill can you do this or that for me right now, please”?

I can fully respect a person and/or diplomat that can in return except a direct answer from me.

For example instead of making lies up and excuses, I prefer being able to answer the persons’ question to me be answering it honestly and directly.

For example, the way in which Darko and I used to talk. For example I like to respond in a short direct manner by saying something like , “Yes I can or No I cannot do this for you right now.” It is effective and saves time and money. I like to cut out the crap in other words.

I like the direct nature in which Eastern European diplomats operate within the international relations purview. It has been extremely difficult in many instances for Russia (Yeltsin) and the USA to understand one another diplomatically because of these style differences in my estimation.

I work on bridging diplomatic gaps/differences between the Eastern and Western countries and I enjoy writing about it.

I’d like it even more to be actively involved with direct international diplomacy at the United Nations daily like I used to.

If anyone has a paid or unpaid internship position for me at the United Nations in Manhattan, please contact me as I’d love to work with you. I’d need a small stipend for travel expenses and the like.

I find most UN member states, their diplomats are very direct and cannot stand at all, the small diplomatic talk and niceties involved in American and Western European diplomacy.

However I studied with ambassadors from Oman and Iran and I do find Middle East diplomacy is highly involved in using plenty of flattery in diplomacy, even more so than the USA in my assessment.
It is a different styled of diplomacy to that of Eastern Europe which is has its pros and cons.

Amir, the Iranian Ambassador I studied with at the New School in NYC was very direct like Russian diplomacy.

However, the other ambassador from, Oman, Mohammad, was always flattering me me. He used to kiss my hand and kneel before me which I admit I loved. He was very handsome too.

Let’s chat soon->JIlly
Tags: diplomacy, jill starr, strudy, styles
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Jill Starr
1 Stars
Jill Starr members.fortunecity... Mar 26 2009
bloomingdale, United States
I personally have always been myself without putting on any pretense when meeting with people around the world whomever they were.

I have always felt being myself is the best policy; I guess it is a proven fact in my estimation that being yourself and being honest is the way to go.

I have always asked people of such great importance why they like to have lunch with me and visit me all the way from NYC and elsewhere and they always replied to me:

”JIll, I can let down my hair with you, I can chat and be myself without worrying about being being stabbed in the back...”

I stake my reputation on my honesty and genuine diverse friendships everywhere I possess.
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Jill Starr
1 Stars
Jill Starr members.fortunecity... Mar 26 2009
bloomingdale, United States
But I believe in reciprocity in diplomacy as well and no where have I been treated as rotten as I have been in my own country of birth (The United States of America). SO I have no shame in exposing the US in all this now!


  1. Serbian styled diplomacy and intelligence far far surpasses anything I have seen out of the CIA. I wrote this article on it.

  2. Boris tadic is correct in one thing, this is that the international community has a lot to gain from working with Serbia on international projects (!)
